Commuter Comments of the Metro North

The community of riders of the Metro North Railroad: almost a subculture, but not as cool. A lifestyle without personal imput. A public space without permanent location. Two hours a day spent in the rickety, expired, broken cars of the most expensive commuter rail in the country, carrying people from the richest zip codes in the US to New York City. It's pergatory. It's a silent sitcom. It is... the New Haven Line.

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Location: NYC

Friday, June 11, 2004

Silly Behaviors Displayed by the Commuters

1. In the morning, as all the commuters accumulate on the train platform, they tend to huddle into groups as if there are marked spots to where the train's doors will pull up . However, it's placement is never predictable. I always stand in the middle of two pods of people, so as to have more leway to scurry towards the portal as the train pulls up.

2. There are three seats lined up. Two people are seated with one empty seat between them. A new passenger approaches, and asks for a seat. Rather than the aisle-seated person sliding to the middle seat, EVERY time without fail, he waddles out into the aisle, lets the new passenger sit in the middle, then resettles.

This takes more time. I could explain why it's dumb and inefficient, but I think it's apparent.



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