Commuter Comments of the Metro North

The community of riders of the Metro North Railroad: almost a subculture, but not as cool. A lifestyle without personal imput. A public space without permanent location. Two hours a day spent in the rickety, expired, broken cars of the most expensive commuter rail in the country, carrying people from the richest zip codes in the US to New York City. It's pergatory. It's a silent sitcom. It is... the New Haven Line.

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Location: NYC

Friday, August 20, 2004

Ode to Conductors

Blabbing over loudspeakers to each other
In that conductor accent unconnected to any one location
Part Queens, part Jersey
With their funny little hats
They roam the isles
"Tic's please"
Friendly are they
But crazy I say
Except the nice gentleman in the morning
"Good morning, Thank You"
"Tickets please, Good Morning"
Even though it's rhetoric
And except for the hot guy
On the 7:09 to New Canaan
He doesn't even ask for my ticket
Just nods with a smile
Cuz he's hot.


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August 9, 2005 at 8:03:00 AM EDT  

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